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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Turning Cruise Speaking Into Passive Income

One of the things I talk about in my Speak on Cruise Ships program is packaging yourself so that you are attractive to the cruise line enrichment programs. Sometimes this will require that you develop new content specifically for the cruise lines (don't worry its easy to do if you follow the steps in the program) - but here's the rub - you can take that new content and use it to create passive income streams. Watch this video to get the story --

Creating passive revenue streams from cruise content is one of the many things I help the members of the Speakers Cruise Free Coaching Club -- you can get a free 30-day trial membership by investing in my Speak on Cruise Ships program. What are you waiting for?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Selling Books & Other Info Products Onboard A Cruise Ship

Cruise ships can be a great place to sell your books and other information products. Product sales are fairly easy to set up with the cruise lines when you're already speaking onboard and can be quite profitable. I explain the complete process of how it's done in this video.

If you still have not invested in my Speak on Cruise Ships program, what are you waiting for? In order to sell onboard you must be approved in cruise enrichment programs. This is the program that will show you how.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Big News For You: The Cruise Speaker Directory

If you are a member of my Speakers Cruise Free Coaching Club I am personally invested in your success. So, in an effort to place more of you faster, I am in frequent communication with the enrichment coordinators of almost all the major cruise lines.

We primarily discuss their needs and wants in placing speakers in their enrichment programs and I make recommendations for speakers in the Club.

Well, during one of these conversations the request was for a naturalist speaker and I could not for the life of me remember the name of the person I wanted to recommend and I said, "Gee, it would be a lot easier on both of us if I had a directory of all my speakers in one place."

It suddenly hit us both... and then the coordinator said with great enthusiasm, "I would LOVE to have a directory like that!"

I then called several other of my cruise contacts and asked them about the idea and I received a similar response... in fact, some of these reactions were down-right ecstatic! It seemed that the idea was one whose time had come.

Thus, was born "The Cruise Speakers Directory",

The Directory would contain a basic one-sheet (with a few tweaks) for each speaker in the Speakers Cruise Free Coaching Club who submitted one and then be distributed to exactly those people at the cruise lines with the power to book them.

The directory will be organized and categorized into destination, arts & crafts and general interest speakers and presenters.

We are still fine tunning it all but here's the most important thing: Everything is being done in consultation with the enrichment coordinators at the cruise lines.

That is, in order to place more speakers, more quickly the directory will provide exactly what they are looking for. Brilliant marketing, no?

Question is: Do You Want In?

Well, only current members of the Speakers Cruise Free Coaching Club will be eligible for a listing. (If you're a member we're going to be talking a bunch more about this during our open coaching sessions in the weeks and months to come .)

You can can get a FREE 30-day trial membership to the Speakers Cruise Free Coaching Club by investing in yourself by investing in the Speak on Cruise Ships e-program. Thereafter, Club membership is only $29.97 per month.

Now is a good time to get in it as each member will get a free listing in this inaugural issue. However, I cannot guarantee it being completely free to members in the future... so take action now and don't miss out.

This is a time limited offer so if you were on the fence before reading this post, the time to take the plunge is now.

Go get the Speak on Cruise Ships e-program and claim your membership.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cruise FREE - Ask Daniel Anything

Have you always wanted to trade your talents for FREE
luxury cruises?

Does the lure of luxury travel to exotic destinations
excite you?

Have you wondered how to get approved to cruise F-R-E-E?

Have you questioned whether my Speak on Cruise Ships
system works?

Then allow me to answer your questions. Ask me anything!

And the event is totally complimentary as a thank you
for being one of my loyal blog readers.

I've never done this before... so its a bit scary.

Tune in to find out what happens and make sure to
ask your questions because I very rarely let people
outside the Speakers Cruise Free Coaching Club have
this kind of access to me.

Details of the call are below:


EVENT: Ask Daniel Anything

DATE & TIME: Monday, June 16th at 12:00pm CST
(1pm EST, 11am MST, 10am PST)

FORMAT: Simulcast!
(Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)



Looking forward to connecting with you.

God bless and happy cruising,

Daniel Hall
Author, Speak on Cruise Ships

P.S. Really! Don't miss this opportunity to get
all your FREE Cruise questions answered. Here's
the link...

Remember this event won't cost you one red penny.
So take advantage of the opportunity while you can.

P.P.S. The phone lines are limited to 200, so make
sure you get on a minimum of 5 minutes early.

Monday, June 09, 2008

What Can You Learn From How I Started In Cruise Speaking?

Case studies can be powerful teaching tools. Below is a video in which I describe my experience of how I "fell-into" cruise speaking.

What lessons can you glean from my experience?

It all starts with getting your copy of Speak on Cruise Ships.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Cruise Speaking Myths Busted

Back in January I wrote about speaking at Jonathan Sprinkles Six Figure Speaker Bootcamp --

( ).

At that event I spoke about some of the cruise speaking myths I heard ... and I busted them.

Question is: are your beliefs causing you to fail even trying to become a cruise enrichment speaker?

Watch this video and find out...

You can get your cruise speaking career started NOW by investing in the critically acclaimed e-program "Speak On Cruise Ships: 8 Easy Steps To A Lifetime of FREE Luxury Cruises"

And to make sure you succeed you also get a 30 -day trial membership in the Speakers Cruise Free Coaching Club where you get personal access to me. You can read about the Club here --

Thursday, June 05, 2008

3 Tips To Set Up PC Based Credit Card Processing

Whether your business is offline or online you will significantly increase sales -- and profits -- when you can accept all the major credit cards for payment of the goods and services you sell.

In the old days getting a merchant account so that you could process credit cards was a colossal hassle. Generally you were expected to have great credit and have an established brick and mortar business. If you were a home based business or, God forbid, you were trying to do business online your chances of getting approved were nil.

Happily, as ecommerce on the Internet has matured it has become increasingly easier to set up pc based credit card processing. This article is intended to communicate three important tips for setting up pc based credit card processing in your business. By the way, even if you run a brick and mortar business it is advantageous to set up pc based credit card processing for the simple reason that with it set up this way you can do business anywhere in the world you have an Internet connection.

Tip Number 1

Choose a processing company that is sensitive to the needs and structure of your business. For example, if you are running an Internet based business make sure the company understands the nuances of doing business online. A good way to determine this is to ask the company about the percentages of their merchants who have this type of model. Beware if they quote you a percentage less than 50%. The rationale here is if the majority of their business comes through similarly situated merchants it reasonable to infer that they are a good choice.

Hint: Are you doing business with them online through their website or are you talking to an officer at your corner bank? The lesson is you might want set up your merchant account through a credit card processor that looks like your own business. If you’re online go to a processor that is doing business online. Conversely, if you are brick and mortar you may want to do business with a brick and mortar processor like your corner bank. Chances are good that they both will have options for pc based credit card processing.

Tip Number 2

Always do business with a PC based credit card processor who does their own processing and whose underwriting department is onsite. The vast majority of credit card processors, online or off, are resellers or “third party” processors. Stay away from them! There are a couple reasons why.

First, processing fees will almost always be higher by setting up with a reseller. Second, and more importantly, using a reseller you are much more likely to have your funds frozen if there are ever any perceived problems with your account.

Here' the horror that could happen if you don't choose your pc based credit card processor wisely. You could have a chargeback or transaction over your stated daily transaction amount (you provide this when your account is initially set up). In either case, it could raise a red flag for possible fraud in the underwriting department of the company actually processing your transactions (not the third party reseller) and cause your account to be shut down and funds frozen.

As an attorney I have represented businesses where this exact thing has happened and $1,000's were frozen. It took time and money in legal fees to finally resolve the dispute and only because I threatened litigation.

Case in point: when you do business directly with a pc based credit card processor who is actually doing the processing and the underwriting (fraud detection) department is onsite there is easier communication and a far lesser probability that your funds will ever be frozen.

Tip Number 3

Always ask for as high of a daily sales volume as the pc based credit card processor will allow you when you set up you account.

Several of the businesses I have represented had a problem with underwriting departments (see Tip Number 2 above) because they set their average daily transaction volume too low. What happens is sometimes your business will grow very quickly and you'll start processing transactions over the limit of the average daily volume that you initially stated which will raise a red flag with the underwriting department and possibly lead to having your funds frozen.

The solution is to set your limit as high as possible in the beginning and then communicate with the underwriting department before you reach the daily limit. This way your limit can be adjusted upward and shouldn't have problems.

Daniel Hall, runs many Internet based businesses and is also a Texas attorney who has represented merchants having problems with their credit card processors. Get a free guide to choosing a pc based credit card processor here or


Feel free to republish this article free of charge as long as neither the body of the article nor the resource section at the end are altered. They must be left intact, without changes.