I know you want to cruise free. (Why else would you be reading this blog?)
So I'll bet that you'd also like to get FREE airfare to and from the ship for both you AND your traveling companion.
Am I right?
Well, there's a cruise line offering this incredibly attractive deal and I am hosting a group coaching call this Wednesday, October 8 where principals of this line will be on the conference call and answering your "how-to" and "what-to-do" questions.
To my knowledge nothing like this has ever been offered before... you can get direct access to the actual people at this cruise line that make the decisions!
Here's the thing: The call is exclusively for members of the Speakers Cruise Free Coaching Club.
Note to members: Shortly you'll be getting an email with call details.
Not a member yet? Jump in, the water's fine. Get your free 30-day trial membership by getting the critically acclaimed Speak on Cruise Ships e-program.
If you are serious about making free cruising a reality in your life... you won't want to miss this call so sign up now -- http://www.speakerscruisefree.com/