And a very Happy New Year to you too.
May this coming year be filled with happiness, success and FREE CRUISES!!!
If you are not already cruising FREE click HERE now to find out how.
This blog is dedicated to helping people cruise the world's luxury liners for free as onboard speakers, presenters and arts and crafts leaders.
Donny & Marie may well have been too young, but on so many of our cruises as fare paying passengers (in the old days) the speakers all seemed to be much older than their audiences. We realised that what the cruise companies need is variety, to relate to their very varied passenger profiles.
I greatly admire the wisdom and experience of the great speakers that I’ve had the privilege to travel with – and I also welcome the enthusiasm and fresh thinking of younger speakers. My point is that in the world of cruise speaking there is space – and a genuine welcome – for speakers of all ages, profiles and backgrounds.
Got a good story to share in an informative and confident way? Then there is room for you – and the best part of it is you get a FREE cruise!!
Thanks to DANIEL HALL at SPEAKERS CRUISE FREE you can cruise free – yes FREE just in exchange for an hour a day on sea days. That is only on sea days – so usually no more than 2 or 3 times a week.
Just click HERE to join us now. In no time at all you could be cruising FREE too!!!
I suppose it rather goes without saying that we should trust the cruise companies. They are the ones who let us CRUISE FREE.
They provide clear contracts that explain what they will provide and what they expect from us in return.
I also learned early on trust DANIEL HALL at SPEAKERS CRUISE FREE. Well of course I did. He did what he said he would do – he got us CRUISING FREE ! Just as he said he would.
Have a great holiday season and get CRUISING FREE in a very happy New Year.
Just click HERE to get started.
Happy Christmas and happy cruising --- FREE !
On a cruise earlier this year a fellow speaker asked if I would mind sharing some of my sources with him, as he so enjoyed one of my talks. At first I was both flattered and a little put out – well just think about it, he would get the material that I had labored to produce for no effort.
Then I thought this thro a bit more. I had also enjoyed his talks. He had a great presentation on emerging markets. And I realised that we could help each other. So we did! I gained great material – and so did he (no point being modest!
And that principle of learning and sharing is what makes this network of our so good. (Well that and the FREE cruising! )
Through Daniel Hall and SPEAKERS CRUISE FREE we have met some wonderful people, shared great experiences, learned so much – AND cruised all around the world.
If you are not already cruising free click HERE now!!
Happy cruising FREE
I never cease to be amazed at how easy it can be to impress. I’ve just had feedback from a recent cruise, in which the activities manager reported “outstanding use of technology”!
Apparently the fact that I have insert video clips in my PowerPoint presentations is a bit “cutting edge”. But it is so, so simple to do. Using the insert/movie clip buttons, and choosing the automatic option means it just runs when I click the next slide. As I use a wireless hand held slide changer it may look good to the audience – but it seems even the staff were impressed.
Well I learned to keep upping my game. I’ve done it all my business life, I’ve encouraged folks I mentor to do the same – and one of the reasons that I warmed so quickly to DANIEL HALL at SPEAKERS CRUISE FREE was the obviously natural style of his innovation – and the expectation that we, his network, will constantly strive to improve.
So if you are an improver and yet you’re still not cruising free do yourself a favour – NOW – and click HERE to join us cruising the seven seas for free with SPEAKERS CRUISE FREE.
What have you got to loose?
Click HERE now!
Happy cruising FREE!
If you want to be known as an expert in your field one of the best ways to get there is to publish your own book. And you can get it done quick and find out how to sell it at www.realfastbook.com!
Generally speaking we have accepted free cruises in exchange for speaking – just one hour a day; and ONLY on sea days.
On the basis that we pay our own airfares this is an amazingly inexpensive way to cruise the seven seas. But by establishing ourselves with Daniel Hall’s Speakers Cruise Free network and through Daniel with the cruise companies we have bookings for next year where air fares, hotels, even transfer to and from the ship are included.
These do not come along all the time, but keep your eyes open and, once you are established, work with the cruise company contacts to know just what they need on particular itineraries.
Next year, thanks to Daniel Hall and Speakers Cruise Free we have a wonderful collection of cruises that will form the major part of a 2 month round the world trip to celebrate a big birthday – and the whole cost of the trip – everything included – is about the normal discounted fare for a two week cruise. That includes side trips to Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef, 3 days in a top hotel in Sydney, 3 days in Vancouver, hotel in New York – and en route we cruise the South Pacific (Fiji, French Polynesia, Hawaii) and the Atlantic, Martha’s Vineyard, The Azores, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Not bad eh?
Thank you Daniel. We couldn’t have done this without Speakers Cruise Free.
If you are not already cruising FREE click HERE now! Why waste any more time.
Happy cruising FREE!!
Andrew & Kathy
If you want to be a respected author in your field without taking years to write your book, join real fast book. We'll show you how to get your book written fast and published quick at http://realfastbook.com/
In this article you'll discover why testimonials are integral for your book and how you can get them.
This article will tell you how almost anyone, including you can trade your talents for a free cruise and get to see the world.
Discover how both you and a companion can cruise free just by being an on board lecturer for a cruise ship and get to see the world with your family and friends.
This article will show you how to use case studies in your book to build trust with your readers and help you build your business.
What many people don't know is that your book can also be a great business card. This article tells you why it can be the best way to build your business and how a book really is the ultimate business card.
It's a fact. Having a criminal record can have a serious effect on your life and you should know why getting a lawyer to help you get cleared can have a drastically positive effect on your life. This article tells you what you should be looking for and why you should get a lawyer.
Would you like to travel the world and get paid for it? You can discover how in this article that shows you how to make money by travel blogging.
If you want to discover how to liver anywhere and make money by travel blogging then discover how in the article and begin living, traveling and making money.
This article tells you how to use your book to promote your events, websites and yourself and substantially increase your event business.
You may not know that there are best times to go to the movies with different people. This article helps to explain those differences to you so you can plan time with your kids or with your spouse.
Finding the top 100 keywords in your niche can mean that you can build an entire business around them but you must learn to find these words to build your site around. This article shows you how to find these words and how you can profit from them.
For any speaker selling their products is a great way to boost your income especially after you have just finished giving a talk. This article shows you why you should and some ways to do it for maximum effectiveness.
Being thankful towards someone is good for you both personally and professionally. This article tells you why and how you should thank someone in your book.
Sometimes when you business stagnates you need to start in a new direction and this article goes into how you can do that and begin picking up business.
Find the secrets of success from Joe Vitale that have helped him reform his life and can help you as well in this article.
This article will explain how to properly showcase when you are a speaker on a cruise ship.
No doubt the holidays can become very expensive, very quickly. So if you would like to save some money by buying on eBay, check out this article to find out some of the best methods to do this.
Self publishing your own book means you get to do things on your own terms and don't have to kowtow to a publishing company and get your book out there more quickly. So if you follow the 3 tips in this article you'll be well on your own to becoming a self published author.
Self publishing through Amazon is one of the best ways to get your book out quickly and this article will show you how you can start today.
Discover in my article how you can do formatting and self publishing for your book even if you are a total beginner to the area.
This article talks about the costs associated with self publishing and how to prepare for them and also how you can save costs.
Before working in the public domain for publishing you should understand copyright issues and how they can affect your business which is what this article goes into.
In this article discover 3 good techniques to get your book published more quickly so you can start seeing it's effect on your business.
Discover in this article the 3 important considerations if you've ever considered doing your own on demand publishing.
Find out how to become a self published author and explode your business in this article.
Discover in this article how to bring your offline business to the next level by discovering online marketing
This article shows how you should use niche market research to help you come up with product creations and become a success online.
If you want to use your cruise speaking appearances to get your more clients this article will show you how to do it simply.
This article shows you what kind of software you can use for your membership sites and finding the one that fits best for you.
In this article you'll discover how to use your book to get you a speaking job and other speaking engagements to help further your career.
Discover how you can launch a successful radio show using the tips and techniques in this article.
This article gives you a checklist to run through when you're doing marketing for a book.
This article tells you how you can get paid for speaking your mind on surveys.
Many authors may have some sort of writers block, this article discusses how to work past it and get to writing again.
This article shows you how your book can build your credibility as an expert on whatever your subject is.
Finding a forex robot that automatically figures stop loss is difficult to do because they just react to signals but can also prevent you from incurring any losses. This article goes more in depth about how they are useful and what you should watch out for.
Forex trading robots can be useful when used correctly. Unfortunately they do need to be looked after heavily because the robots can be tricked by the market. This market gives you more information on forex trading robots.
This article discusses why using mini lots would be a better idea for Forex future trading since you can leverage more money and have a higher payout for you.
There are 12 major currency pairs when trading on the forex exchange and this article will give you tips on how to profit from them.
This article shows you how you can capitalize on eBay misspellings so that you can start making more sales.
A criminal record can be a blight on your life, this article talks about how you can get rid of it forever and live your life to the fullest.
By using ebay and clickbank affiliate sites you can get more from the same sites and thus earn more money and this article will give you tips on to how to do just that.
There are a number of things that can go wrong if you are working as a cruise ship speaker and this article tells you what things to avoid doing in order to not make mistakes.
Discover how easy it is to fall into cruise ship speaking by understanding my story and how you can do the same exact thing that I did.
When working as a cruise speaker you gain the status as a minor celebrity on the ship. And you can use that to your advantage for selling books and getting leads for your business.
Where does cruise speaking come from? More importantly how can you use it to your advantage and get free cruises? Find out how you can do this from this article.
Preparing for your talk is important and how to do your talk will determine your success as a cruise ship speaker. This article is part 3 in the series to help you become a successful cruise ship speaker.
Discover the benefits of why cruise ship speakers get every passenger perk.
Get down to the nitty gritty on this article so you can start taking cruises as an on board lecturer.
Part 2 in the articles that gives you information on marketing and what to expect the day you board the ship.
This article will show you what your rights are when dealing with creditors.
This article discusses the differences and uses of expungement and expunction for your criminal record and when you should use them.
This article discusses how to achieve clarity in your book and why it is crucial to your success as an author.
Coming up with an interesting name for your radio show or podcast can be a factor in your success in your industry, this article gives you some guidelines to follow when trying to come up with a great name.
Self publishing can be expensive to do and can seriously hinder you becoming a published author. But now you can self publish on the cheap and get your book out there.
Building your brand and sharing your unique selling proposition is integral to building your business and this article shows you some ways to do that.
If you're having a disagreement with a business partner and need to bring the law into it this article will show you why litigation could be a better and cheaper option to go with.
You can start becoming a more prominent by doing simple things. One of them is to use an Amazon author blog and this article explains how to do this.
Find out how you can get huge discounts when working as a cruise ship speaker.
This article how to use your book as a tool to work with other people's marketing programs.
How to format your book when writing it and coming up with the cover and other tips.
A clean criminal record can make a major difference in your future when it comes to work, find out more information by reading this article.
Learn easy to use tips on setting up your own PC based credit card processing account.
Just a few days before a recent cruise I was told that the line has its own house style for enrichment speakers’ PowerPoint presentations. I had 5 talks with 80 to 90 slides in each!!! And I had two days to pack, put business on hold and re-format all my presentations.
So my tip for today – always check in plenty of time if the cruise line you are speaking for has any special requirements – such as a corporate template for you slides. That way you’ll have plenty of time to comply!
And if you are not already cruising FREE with SPEAKERS_CRUISE_FREE then I suggest you get yourself signed up NOW to get your FREE cruise vacations planned soonest.
Happy FREE cruising with SPEAKERS_CRUISE_FREE. It works! It really works!!
At the end of each cruise I always say “thank you” to the team on board.
SPEAKERS_CRUISE_FREE is a network of great speakers and I know that my behavior reflects on all our members. Just as your behavior reflects on me and everyone else.
SPEAKERS_CRUISE_FREE Is a real find. So I try to do the right thing to build up the reputation of all our speakers. If I behave well and say “thank you” I hope that you will get a warm reception next time you step on the same ship for a speaker cruise.
I hope that you will show the rest of us the same respect.
And it is amazing just how far a little courtesy can go. We have had invitations to cocktail parties and even occasionally to the Captain’s table, because we are seen to show respect.
If you are not already cruising free I suggest you click HERE – and do it now.
And next time you are cruising FREE do please remember to say “thank you”.
That's right...
For more than five years now my critically acclaimed program “Speak on Cruise Ships” has been helping people just like you to cruise free with on board enrichment programs.
But I have retired the program and it is now off the market!
Good news though... we are launching a brand-new and expanded “Speak on Cruise Ships” this Tuesday, October 26 at 12pm noon Central time.
This video explains the new program...
Go check it out...
You'll be getting more posts over the next couple of days with more details about the program... be looking for them.
Yup. That's about it. The rest is really very straightforward - do a first class job and have fun.
The contract is very clear. They'll monitor feedback, and they won't tollerate bad behaviour. Well to be honest I would think not!!
So I've re-formatted my presentations into their style, rehearsed once more in front of the most critical audience (Kathy, my wife); loaded it all on my netbook - and of course, for safety's sake I've backed it all up to flash drive, DVD, memory card and external drive (JUST IN CASE!!)
My family motto is "Never unprepared". I like to be prepared for every eventuality. I certainly want to do a good job on behalf of everyone else in the SPEAKERSCRUISEFREE.COM community.
Are you already cruising free? If not click HERE now.
Happy cruising - FREE,
Speak on Cruises Free Tip #2: Give Brand Promoting Gifts
Assistant cruise director Gina told me today that she would have RCCL pens and key chains for me to give away at my onboard talks. This increases the likelihood people will like my talks. Here's how you increase the probability you'll get gifts. Tell the assistant cruise director the gifts will increase brand loyalty.
Then give the gifts away in response to your Q&As at the end of your talks- win-win-win!
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