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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Telling the Future...

As a child I was always intrigued by the idea of telling the future.

As a teenager discovering Science Fiction, books about time travel and the time travel paradox (which supposes a person travels to a time before she was born and breaks a causal chain that led to the traveler's birth) were fascinating to me and I read all I could where time travel was the central theme. Any Dr. Who or Robert Heinlein fans out there?

In any event, as I became an adult and interested in marketing, I recognized that it would be tremendously helpful to me to know which products would sell and which wouldn't BEFORE I created them and/or promoted them.

Can you imagine? Like really telling the future...

It took some time and study, experience and a bit of luck,
but I slowly learned that at least when it came to product
sales you COULD tell what was likely to sell.

But there was a specific system to accomplishing this.

No, the system I eventually developed was not 100%
accurate... but it was pretty dog-gone good. Much better
than playing on hunches and totally ruling over simply

I began to teach the system to my coaching clients one-on-
one. And They started to see the same success I saw using
the system.

That's when it finally dawned on me, "Hey, this system would
make another great product."

But here's the key...

I didn't just decide to create the product on hunch.

Before I invested time, energy and money into
developing the product I wanted to "know" it would sell.

Well..boda-bing... I used my system and determined that it
would sell -- BIG TIME!

So I pulled the trigger...

I created a way that you too can tell the future. You too
can know if something will sell before you create it or
promote it.

It is an online video dashboard that I call "Knowing It Will
Sell: Creating In Demand Books and Other Info Products"

You can check it out right here -->

And what can I say?

Don't even think about creating information products like
books, ebooks, membership sites, online videos, CD's, DVD's
or mp3's... until you FIRST determine that they will sell.

Can you imagine the time and hassles you'll save?

This system is easy and doable using free resources... plus
I lay it all out for you step-by-step.

No more guessing.

No more uncertainty.

As you will soon discover, the world becomes a much rosier
and brighter place when you "know" with a high probability,
if not certainty, that an information product or book will

So my question for you is: armed with this knowledge what's
in your future?

I look forward to helping you "Tell Your Future",

I have made "Knowing It Will Sell" drop-dead easy.
It's in a video dashboard where you just follow the buttons,
watch the videos and plug in your product ideas into the
free resources I reveal and - presto - out comes the answer.

Is your product a dud or a stud?

Find out -->

This also works for any products you wish to sell as
an affiliate. Yaa-Hoo!

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